Office Bearers 2023/24
Co-Chairpersons – Susie Bass and Jennifer Cowan
Vice Chair – Susan Donnachie
Treasurer – Eilidh Dane
Secretary – Sarah Jackson
What is the purpose of the PTA?
To advance the learning outcomes and wellbeing of pupils by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the School not normally provided by the Council.
How does the PTA fulfil its purpose?
By holding fundraising and after school events and distributing those raised funds to the School for specific purposes.
When does the PTA meet?
Around 10 times per annum, with a focus on meetings ahead of significant events, such as the May Fayre.
We try to facillitate the meetings online and in person to enable more attendance.
How can I help?
No matter how much or little time you can offer, we are always in need of volunteers to help with activities, events or organisation.
Speak to the above Office Bearers or fellow volunteers, email us on [email protected] or drop us a message on the contact page.
We would love to hear from you!.