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See below a wonderful range of auction items to be won – from a week of summer activities for a child at King’s Camp, to a round of golf for four, a magic escape room experience for 6, Sunday lunch at the Free Company and a family trip to Edinburgh Zoo – there is something for everyone. We would like to thank the wonderful Edinburgh businesses who have very kindly donated to this Auction in aid of Currie Primary School PTA’s playground improvements fundraising efforts.
If you have any queries in advance of the May Fayre, please contact [email protected].
Please place your bid(s) for any one or more of the undernoted auction items before 5pm on Thursday 16th May 2024 (the “Closing Date”). Bidding is open to everyone and is not restricted to members of the Currie Primary School community.
The highest bid as at the Closing Date will win the item. If there is more than one bid of equal value as at the Closing Date a winner will be randomly drawn from those equal bids. For this reason, we encourage you to place an original bid (i.e. £35.76, instead of £35.00).
It’s a bit like blind bidding for a house – you might get lucky with a cheeky low bid (so please bid away!) but if you are keen to win the item we suggest you bid close to the estimated value shown on each item; all funds raised will benefit the children of Currie Primary School.
To place your bid please navigate to the desired item and click “Bid Now!”. Complete the Bidding Form; Select “Submit” and then “Bid” to place your bid.
All bids received in person at the May Fayre on Saturday 11th May have been safely received.
If your bid is successful you will be contacted by the PTA during the week commencing Monday 20th May to arrange payment. If your bid is successful on more than one item you will be required to pay for all successful bids. On receipt of payment to the PTA bank account, you will receive your item/voucher. If any payments remain outstanding as at 5pm on Friday 24th May you will forfeit your item and the second highest bidder will be contacted.